
Our experience with PCs dates all the way back to the beginning - when PCs were released in 1981 (with the CPM operating system as an option instead of PC-DOS).

Experience with networks dates all the way back to the infancy of Novell's NetWare (1984).  10 years as the only support person managing over 230 users (approximately 80 secretaries, 130 engineers, and 20 executives) created great empathy with the requirements of an overloaded network administrator.  This time period also included the responsibility of building, maintaining, and upgrading all of the PCs for that group of users; and installing, maintaining, and upgrading the entire network hardware, software, and management infrastructure.  8 additional years "followed" (1.5 year overlap) with training and experience in providing outsourced computer and network support, both for the administration side and for the hardware side.

DCB Systems Integration, Inc. was founded in 1997, in response to a need for quality computer services.

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Designed for Microsoft® Windows Explorer   |   Created by DCB Systems Integration, Inc.
Send Comments to:  Support@DCBSystems.Com   |   Last Updated:  05.03.2000